Do I share a room with strangers?
Absolutely NO. The room is for the person who made the booking. Only they and their accompanying persons have access to the room.
Does Acacia Snowy Motel have cooking facilities in the guest rooms
No, we have tea and coffee making facilities.
Do the rooms have fridges in them
All rooms have bar fridges.
Can I get Ski Hire from Acacia Snowy Motel
Ski hire is available from The Shed Ski Hire next to the Motel.
How far is Jindabyne from Thredbo and Persiher
Jindabyne is about a 25 to 35 minute drive to either Thredbo or Perisher depending on road conditions.
How far is Jindabyne from the Ski Tube
Jindabyne is about a 10 – 15 minute drive to the Ski Tube.
Will I need chains
Generally not to the Ski Tube but it is compulsory to carry them in the National Park.
What type of ski tickets are available
Lift only passes, lift and lesson passes and first-timers lift and lesson passes. All can be purchased for 2 day, 3 day or 5 day packages. Best options and prices are to book directly with the ski resorts.
Can i use my ski ticket at either Thredbo or Perisher
Some tickets are valid at both resorts – please check when making the purchase. The National Park entry fee is valid for both resorts.
At what age do children have to buy an Adult ticket
15 years and over at both Perisher and Thredbo.